TRUST – Mindfulness Attitude-4

A good way to cultivate trust within yourself is with your body.  This can be done through mindful movement.  Trusting the process of yoga to deliver what you want to cultivate in your life will allow you to really sense and experience your time on the mat.

INTENTIONAL PAUSE –I trust in the wisdom of my body and mind.”

  • Begin in Mountain Pose and find a focal point in front of you.
  • Bend the right knee and bring in the sole of the right foot to the inner left thigh with the heel just below the groin. Press the sole and inner thigh equally against each other.
  • Place your hands on your hips, pressed together in front of your heart center, or extended out to the sides at shoulder height and then overhead. Draw the shoulders down and relax them.
  • Lengthen up through the crown of the head and gaze on the horizon. Relax the eyes, jaw, and forehead.
  • Lift the kneecap of the standing leg and press the foot more firmly into the floor. Sense roots growing down into the floor from the standing leg, providing a strong foundation.
  • Inhale your breath up the standing leg and allow the entire body to lengthen. As you exhale, relax in the pose, without losing length or stability.

Tree Pose helps blossom trust and self-confidence within you, uniting the mind and body in the present moment.


  • Stand next to a wall and hold on to the wall with one hand.
  • In Mountain Pose, shift your weight to your left foot and turn your right knee out to the side. Rest our right heel on your left ankle, keeping your toe on the floor ( like a kick stand).  You can also try lifting your right foot up to rest at the side of your calf.

AFFIRMATION – I trust the wisdom of my body.


  • Strengthens and stabilizes the leg
  • Good for knee pain
  • Helps with balance.
  • Cross your right thigh over your left thigh. Wrap the right foot all the way around the left calf.
  • Cross your left arm over the right one at the elbow. Bend the elbows and bring your palms to touch.
  • Lift the elbows while dropping the shoulders away from the ears and hold for three to five breaths, slow and steady.
  • Release your arms and legs and repeat on the other side.

While in this pose, see if you can sense with each inhale, your breath rise up from your foot to the crown of your head, instilling your being with the centered strength of an eagle as you gaze forward. Then, as you exhale resting in the confidence and steadiness of connecting your mind and body in the present moment.


  • Cross your arms at the forearm and rest the back of the hands against each other.
  • Perform the pose on your back on the floor.

AFFIRMATION – I know more than I think I know – trust.


  • Opens the chest and shoulder joints
  • Increases circulation to all joints
  • Improves digestion
  • Begin in seated position with the legs stretched out in front.
  • Bend the knees and draw the heels of the feet together as the knees drop to the side.
  • Open the soles of the feet like a book and press the thumbs into the arches.
  • Lift the rib cage out of the hips from all four sides and relax the shoulders down.
  • Lift the crown of the head and lengthen the back of the neck with head in line with the spine.
  • Gently and slowly come forward, keeping the spine straight and long.
  • Press the elbows gently into your inner thighs to spread the thighs outward.
  • Inhale, lift the heart and lengthen through the spine. As you exhale, release the torso more deeply into the pose until you reach a comfortable position.
  • Stay in this pose for one to five breaths, slow and low

Sense a feeling of surrender and openness in body, mind, and spirit as you slowly and gently move more deeply in the core of your being with trust and patience.


  • For tight hips and buttock, work on straightening the spine and place a folded towel, blanket, or yoga block under each knee for support.
  • Extend the feet farther out in front of the body.



  • Opens up the hip joints
  • Good for digestion


Think of a time when you did not trust yourself.  How did that make you feel? How did it affect the outcome?

  • What did you notice while in this pose? Take some time to write about any sensations or feelings that came up for you mentally, emotionally, and physically during this pose?

“Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart and trust what you find there. Who looks outside, dreams.  Who looks inside, awakens.”
Carl Jung

Patricia Wright, MAT, RYT, CRYT