Beginner’s Mind

In yoga, we’re often told to approach poses with beginner’s mind.  The purpose is to seek spaciousness or find the nuances that allow us to discover more about a pose and our relationship to it by taking it moment by moment with a sense of wonder and awe. Think of “beginner’s mind” as having an “empty mind,” not blank, but a mind that has space for learning, experience, personal growth and life lessons. Beginner’s mind keeps us connected to our body in the present moment.


To adopt a beginner’s mindset and make space for learning, experience, personal growth and life lessons.

  • Begin in Mountain Pose at the front of the mat with your hands at your hips.
  • Bend your knees slightly and fold your torso over your legs, hinging from the hips, not the lower back.
  • Your hands may land next to your feet or on the ground in front of you.
  • Inhale and extend your chest to lengthen your spine.
  • As you exhale, lengthen and release the neck and throat, opening the channel from the heart to the head.
  • On an exhalation, extend your torso down without rounding your back.  Lengthen and release your neck and throat, extending the crown of your head toward the ground, opening the channel from the heart to the head. Draw your shoulders down your back and toward your hips.
  • On an inhale, slowly come up one vertebra at a time back into Mountain Pose. 


As you bend forward place your hands on your thighs or shins


  • Facilitates forward flexion in the spine and hips
  • Increases circulation to the brain and sense organs
  • Releases tension in your low back, while stretching your hamstrings


  • I open the connection between my mind and body to make space for new possibilities.
  1. SEATED – Open Heart Pose
  • Begin in Seated Mountain Pose and reach back to hold onto both sides of your chair.
  • On an inhale, roll your shoulders down and back and lean forward opening your chest towards the ceiling.
  • Tilt your chin up slightly.
  • Hold this pose for 3-5 breaths, slow and steady.
  • Return to Sitting Mountain Pose.


Instead of tilting your chin up slightly, keep it in a neutral position.


  • Opens up the chest
  • Improves posture


“I don’t have all the answers and I don’t have to.”

  • Lie face down on your stomach and bend your arms placing your wrist underneath your elbows. Fingers are facing toward the front of the mat.
  • On an inhalation, press your hands into the floor and lift your chest and shoulders upward drawing your sternum forward and your shoulder blades together.
  • Press into the floor with your toenails, especially those of your pinky toes. Firm your buttocks and straighten your legs as you roll your inner thighs towards the ceiling. Feel your pubic bone pressing down to the floor as you draw your tailbone down toward your feet.
  • As you exhale, lead with your forehead to lower yourself back to the mat.
  • Hold for 1-5 breaths


If you have low back issues, use caution


  • Strengthens and stretches the spine and upper arms
  • Stretches front of body
  • Improves posture


I am open to new experiences and opportunities.


Think of the first time you did something that was new and different.  What feelings and sensations do you recall about that experience?

  • Are you set in your ways or are you open to new experiences?
  • What did you notice while in the pose? Take some time to write about any sensations or feelings that came up for you mentally, emotionally, and physically during this pose?

QUOTE – In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, in the expert’s there are few ~ Shunryu Suzuki-roshi


In yoga, we’re often told to approach poses with beginner’s mind.  The purpose is to seek spaciousness or find the nuances that allow us to discover more about a pose and our relationship to it by taking it moment by moment with a sense of wonder and awe. Think of “beginner’s mind” as having an “empty mind,” not blank, but a mind that has space for learning, experience, personal growth and life lessons. Beginner’s mind keeps us connected to our body in the present moment.


To adopt a beginner’s mindset and make space for learning, experience, personal growth and life lessons.

  • Begin in Mountain Pose at the front of the mat with your hands at your hips.
  • Bend your knees slightly and fold your torso over your legs, hinging from the hips, not the lower back.
  • Your hands may land next to your feet or on the ground in front of you.
  • Inhale and extend your chest to lengthen your spine.
  • As you exhale, lengthen and release the neck and throat, opening the channel from the heart to the head.
  • On an exhalation, extend your torso down without rounding your back.  Lengthen and release your neck and throat, extending the crown of your head toward the ground, opening the channel from the heart to the head. Draw your shoulders down your back and toward your hips.
  • On an inhale, slowly come up one vertebra at a time back into Mountain Pose. 


As you bend forward place your hands on your thighs or shins


  • Facilitates forward flexion in the spine and hips
  • Increases circulation to the brain and sense organs
  • Releases tension in your low back, while stretching your hamstrings


  • I open the connection between my mind and body to make space for new possibilities.
  1. SEATED – Open Heart Pose
  • Begin in Seated Mountain Pose and reach back to hold onto both sides of your chair.
  • On an inhale, roll your shoulders down and back and lean forward opening your chest towards the ceiling.
  • Tilt your chin up slightly.
  • Hold this pose for 3-5 breaths, slow and steady.
  • Return to Sitting Mountain Pose.


Instead of tilting your chin up slightly, keep it in a neutral position.


  • Opens up the chest
  • Improves posture


I don’t have all the answers and I don’t have to.

  • Lie face down on your stomach and bend your arms placing your wrist underneath your elbows. Fingers are facing toward the front of the mat.
  • On an inhalation, press your hands into the floor and lift your chest and shoulders upward drawing your sternum forward and your shoulder blades together.
  • Press into the floor with your toenails, especially those of your pinky toes. Firm your buttocks and straighten your legs as you roll your inner thighs towards the ceiling. Feel your pubic bone pressing down to the floor as you draw your tailbone down toward your feet.
  • As you exhale, lead with your forehead to lower yourself back to the mat.
  • Hold for 1-5 breaths


If you have low back issues, use caution


  • Strengthens and stretches the spine and upper arms
  • Stretches front of body
  • Improves posture


“I am open to new experiences and opportunities.”


Think of the first time you did something that was new and different.  What feelings and sensations do you recall about that experience?

  • Are you set in your ways or are you open to new experiences?
  • What did you notice while in the pose? Take some time to write about any sensations or feelings that came up for you mentally, emotionally, and physically during this pose?

QUOTE – In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, in the expert’s there are few ~ Shunryu Suzuki-roshi

Patricia Wright, MAT, RYT, CRYT