For Feeling Safe and Grounded

A mindful movement for grounding.


Stand with feet parallel and hip width apart. Arms are at your side and palms slightly open.

Gently lift the toes then press the four corners of each foot into the ground.

Widen the shoulders and create space across the front and back of the body to allow for full expansion of the lungs.

Mindful move the head to lengthen the cervical spine with the chin parallel to the ground while drawing the neck slightly back to align the head with the torso.

Lift the rib cage up evenly from all four sides and draw the front lower ribs gently back toward the spine, aligning the rib cage over the pelvis.

Lengthen the body and expand the whole spine with the breath.

Sense the upward movement with each slow and gentle inhalation and downward movement with each slow and gentle exhalation.

Imagine deep roots growing down from the feet into the earth. From this place of stillness and security, we meet life with the stability and calmness of a mountain.

Close your eyes in mountain pose for a moment and sense your entire body as your mind and body connect with each breath.

Relax deeply into your center, attuning to the innate joy of your Being, mindfully in the present moment.


  • Improves overall posture
  • Supports health in all joints
  • As a foundation pose, it teaches basic alignment for poses
  • Creates space in the abdominal cavity for digestive health


Those with hip, leg, spinal or shoulder pain should use the wall or stable object for support.


What did you notice while in this pose?
Write about any sensations, feelings or thoughts in this pose.
Did you feel a sense of stability and calmness?

Patricia Wright, MAT, RYT, CRYT

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